100 Pics Quiz Fairy Tales Answers Level 81-100

100 Pics Quiz Answers and cheats to all Fairy Tales levels 81-100 of the popular photo word game for iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android.

100 pics answer cheat Three Bears 100 pics answer cheat Goldilocks 100 pics answer cheat Owl 100 pics answer cheat Thief
Three Bears Goldilocks Owl Thief
Discovered that Goldilocks had eaten their porridge, and were less than thrilled Tried an assortment of porridge before finding the right kind Terrifies an entire town by landing in a barn A common character in fairy tales
100 pics answer cheat Beauty and the Beast 100 pics answer cheat Snakes 100 pics answer cheat 3 Brothers 100 pics answer cheat Princess
Beauty and the Beast Snakes 3 Brothers Princess
The most unlikely couple ever Commonly given negative personality traits in myths and tales These three relatives tried different careers in an effort to win a house